Speaker Stephan Roche
ICREA Prof. Stephan Roche is working at the Catalan Institute of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology-ICN2 and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology. He leads the "Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience" group which focuses on quantum physics in Dirac materials (graphene and topological insulators). He pioneered the development of linear scaling computational approaches for wavepacket dynamics, Kubo conductivities, and multiterminalLandauer-Büttiker conductance in disordered materials. He studied Theoretical Physics at ENS and University UJF (France), received a PhD in Physics in 1996 (CNRS), and worked in Japan, Spain and Germany. He was appointed Assistant Prof. at UJF (2000) and CEA Researcher (2004). He received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany). He is the PI of ICN2 in the GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP, and is deputy leader of the Graphene Spintronics Workpackage.
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