Sang-Hyun Oh
Sang-Hyun Oh received his B.S. in Physics from KAIST, Korea and his PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University (thesis advisor: James Plummer). After postdoctoral appointment at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, and UC Santa Barbara, he joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, as Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2006. He is currently a Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Sanford P. Bordeau Chair in the same department and directs a laboratory focusing on nanofabrication, plasmonics, and biosensing. His group has developed atomic-layer lithography - high-throughput patterning method for angstrom-scale plasmonic gaps - and also demonstrated broad applications of ultrasmooth patterned metals. He is the recipient of faculty awards from DARPA, ONR, NSF, ACS, and 3M. He was a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and ETH Zurich.