close XSpeakerAjay K. Sood
Prof. A.K. Sood, FRS is an Honorary Professor in Department of Physics at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is currently the President of the Indian National Science Academy and the Secretary General of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). He was the President of the Indian Academy of Sciences from 2010 to 2012. Currently, he is a member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of India. Prof. Sood’s research interests include Physics of Nano systems such as grapheme and other 2D materials and soft condensed matter, with a strong focus on innovative experiments. The latter includes the flow behaviour such as rheochaos, nonequilibrium phase transitions, deconstruction of glass physics using colloid experiments, active matter and stochastic thermodynamics. The experimental probes used for exploring physics at nanoscale are Raman spectroscopy, Ultrafast time resolved spectroscopies including terahertz spectroscopy, transport measurements and x-ray diffractions He has published close to 400 papers in refered international journals and holds a few national and International patents. His work has been recognized by way of many honors and awards .These include the Fellowship of the Royal Society ( FRS) , all the three science academies of India and TWAS ; the civilian honor, Padma Shri by Government of India, S.S. Bhatnagar Prize, G.D. Birla Award, TWAS Prize in Physics, FICCI Prize, Goyal Prize, M.N. Saha Award and Millennium Gold Medal of Indian Science Congress, Sir C.V. Raman Award of UGC, Homi Bhabha Medal of Indian National Science Academy, DAE Raja Ramanna Award of JNCASR, National Award in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by Government of India, Nano Award by Government of Karnataka, G.M. Modi Award of Science and R D Birla Award for Excellence in Physics by Indian Physics Association. He is Associate Editor of ACS Nano and Executive Editor of Solid State Communications. abstract