close XSpeakerKaihui Liu
Dr. Kaihui Liu is currently a National Thousand Youth Talents Plan Professor of China in College of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China. He got his bachelor degree from Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China in 2004 and his phD degree from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China under Professor Enge Wang in 2009. After that he worked with Prof. Feng Wang as a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics, UC Berkeley, USA. In 2014, he joined Peking University as an independent principal investigator. Dr. Liu's main research interests are the novel physical phenomena emerging in nano-materials, especially in 1D carbon nanotubes system and 2D atomic layered system. He recently developed an advanced single quantum materials level in-situ TEM + Nano-optics technique to study the fascinating low-dimensional physics. He has published about 30 scientific journals, including first-authored or correspondence-authored Nature Nanotechnology (2), Nature Physics, Nature Communications (2), PNAS, JACS (2), PRB and APL. abstract