close XSpeakerDohun Kim, PhD
Dohun Kim, PhD (Integrated Quantum Devices and Quantum Transport): Prof. Dohun Kim received his PhD in physics on the quantum transport of 3D topological insulators, focusing on phase coherent electronic transport,at University of Maryland, USA, andperformed his postdoctoral research, which focused on semiconductor quantum dot quantum computing, at University of Wisconsin. He is known for a number of novel experiments in the quantum coherent transport fields: e.g., the first experimental evidence for surface transport of a known topological insulator Bi2Se3 [D. Kim et al., Nature Physics 8, 460 (2012); cited 170 times in three years]; the intrinsic electron-phonon resistivity of topological insulators [D. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 166801 (2012); selected as Editor's Suggestion]; the phase coherent transport and anti-localization of topological insulators [D. Kim et al., Nature Communications 4, 2040 (2013)];and the first measurement of surface state thermoelectric power of topological insulators [D. Kim et al., Nano Letters 14, 1701 (2014)]. In the field of individual quantum coherent control, his main works include the first experimental demonstration of a new type of semiconductor qubit, the quantum dot spin-charge hybrid qubit [D. Kim et al., Nature 511, 70 (2014)]. He continues to work on the experimental implementation of semiconductor quantum dot qubits, and has recently published on a new gating method of quantum dot charge qubits [D. Kim et al., Nature Nanotechnology 10, 243 (2015)], and resonant high-fidelity operation of quantum dot hybrid qubits [D. Kim et al., Nature Quantum Information, in press (2015)]. Continuing his effort in developing engineered quantum systems, he recently joined Yonsei University in South Korea from 2015. abstract